Oceans Showband
told by original member Robert Magee
I bought my first saxophone in Boosy & Hawks in Oxford Street,
London at the age of 13 while visiting my English Grandparents in
Finchley. It cost me 50 pounds and I’d saved it in my post office
book. I travelled across Belfast every week to learn the theory of
music at Billy McFadden’s house. I didn’t practise as I should have,
but eventually the "squeaks" from the reed had got minimal.
When I was 16 a guy called Alan Jones called at our house; he’d
heard from somewhere that I played sax (Alan must’ve been about 20)
and would I be interested to join a “group”. This was early in 1962.
I went to the rehearsal room which was the front room in Alan’s
parent’s house in Sydenham Belfast. When we had enough material put
together our manager Alan Jones got our first gig. We played an
hour doing the interval for the “Witnesses Showband” at Belfast
College. We rehearsed once a week and we did a few more breaks for
the Witnesses before we got our first full gig.
The first photograph of “The Oceans” (above right) was taken at
Sydenham with Belfast Lough behind us. The line up was - left to
right: Robert "Crocket" Magee (sax), Victor Mawhinney (guitar), Billy Johnstone (RIP
- vocals),
Kenny Dowden (bass), Jackie Martin (drums), Front kneeling "Wee" Harry Whitley
Victor and Kenny had
already played in a group together.
this all happened 44 years ago and the ould memory ain’t what it
used to be! I think our first full gig was at St Teresa’s Hall in
Belfast and the hall was packed with mostly youngsters like
ourselves. Billy had a voice like Billy Fury and the girls went wild
for him. Anyway it was our first full gig and it was a great
We rehearsed “Hey Hey Paula” (we’d seen the Witnesses doing ‘musical
comedy sketches’) I got a dress from somewhere and stuffed balloons
in for ‘Boobs’ and that was our first “sketch” which went down well
with the audiences. Of course all the time we did do “the steps” and
swing our instruments from side to side & up and down, as all of the
Showbands did.
Alan suggested that we should have a female vocalist, so he and I
went to see “Elisabeth Jamison” who had sung in our school choir and
lived not far from me. She came to a rehearsal and was accepted. Her
stage name became “Paula”. She had a great voice. This was still in
the first half of 1962. We got many many gigs all over Belfast and
outlaying country towns. We played the “Tonic Teenage Show” in
Bangor Co. Down which was a show with 3 or 4 other Groups / Bands.
The Tonic was a cinema and the seats were always packed with girls
screaming as Billy did his thing!
Shortly after Paula joined, Billy left and was replaced by “Joe
Reid”. Alan, our manager, reckoned that we needed “brass” so I knew
of a guy called Alan Aston who played trombone and who also lived
not too far from me. Alan joined us and we were an eight piece
band! Then after a short time Alan brought trumpet
player Leslie Brooks along to our weekly rehearsal ……Now we were a 9
piece showband!
Kenny left the band sometime at the end of 62 and went to Australia
after that. Ivan Johnston took over on bass. Jackie was replaced by
Albert Craig.
Alan Aston recently wrote to us and explained that he learned to
play the trombone in the Bloomfield Silver Band. He was also the
main van driver for the Oceans and had to pick everyone up and leave
them home after gigs, which was not an enviable post as he often got
home at three in the morning. He remembers often returning home in
the early morning and then cycling to the Northern Publishing Office
in Belfast at 7:30 a.m. to do his full day's work as an apprentice
Litho printer (he would eventually set up a printing compny with his
brother where he worked for over 30 years).
The lineup was then Ivan Johnston, Victor Mawhinney, Albert Craig,
“Paula” Jamison, “Wee” Harry Whitley,
Robert”Crocket”Magee, L to R front:- Alan Aston, Leslie Brookes and
Joe Reid.
One Saturday night –must’ve been early 63 after we had finished
playing at The Top Hat Ballroom in Lisburn, Alan Jones announced
that he had sealed a contract for a couple of months at “The Irish
Club” in Moseley Birmingham and we were to fly there the next
evening. “Wee” Harry had a steady day job as had Alan Aston, and
Leslie Brookes, Our manager found a quick replacement for “Wee”
Harry Whitley.
Sunday evening we flew to Coventry Airport with our new lead
Guitarist Sammy McEwan - we were once again a 7 piece Band. When we
returned to Belfast 2 to 3 months later Alan and Leslie rejoined the
Band. (9 piece again).
Alan Jones, our manager and originator of “The Oceans” was replaced by our
Ivan Johnston's brother and not long after that I was replaced by
Peter Harris (Sax/Clarinet). The only original “Ocean” was now
Victor on Rhythm Guitar.
Victor recently made contact with me after 44 years through a piece
I wrote for another website and sent me some newspaper clippings
which follow below. Eventually he also was replaced by (he thinks
the name was) Kit Carson. According to Victor “The Oceans” never
made any records. I’ve tried to be as exact as possible with what
I’ve written, but many notes have been played since then and the
dates have long left the “oul grey cells” (and the same goes with
Victor could only tell me that Jackie “Spud“Martin became very
religious, and went to America where he opened a church. “Wee” Harry
Whitley has passed away. Joe Reid and Sammy McEwan played (together
with some other musician) their last “official gig” on New Years Eve
2004. In 2006, Victor visited Sammy who was working in a butchers
shop in “Comber” Co. Down when he learned that Sammy’s wife had
Photo Gallery
Click on thumbnails for full images
A good friend, Leslie Brookes suggested I should have a look at
your web site with special interest being the Oceans Showband,
Belfast. I reckon I joined the band in 1965/66, probably
following reed player Peter Harris. The band at that time was,
), Jim Johnston(d) with Joe Reid and Elizabeth (Paula) Jamison
(vocals). This in fact is the line-up in your picture of Oceans
(in white shirts). Leslie Brookes, Billy Richardson and I had
previously played in various jazz bands in the Belfast area. At
present, Leslie runs his own band which includes other well
known Belfast jazz musicians such as Bill Bryson, Trevor Foster,
Victor Staley and David Smith. Drummer Jim Johnston can be heard
on Saturday afternoons in the Europa Hotel with the Gerry Rice
quartet, while Billy Richardson is playing with another jazz
band, Bourbon Swing, Thursday nights in Parador Hotel, Ormeau
Road, Belfast. I retired as a performer from
the music scene many years ago but recently published a book on
jazz, under the title of TRACKING JAZZ - THE ULSTER WAY. It
includes chapters on the Dave Glover Showband and the Witnesses
Band Show. I hope you find this useful. It's a wonderful web
site. Keep up the good work.
Kind Regards
Brian Dempster
Unfortunately, the Oceans Showband never recorded
Audio Clips
None available
Where Are They Now?
Billy Johnstone:
Billy sadly passed away
a few years ago - Eric Stephenson.
If you have more info please email us |
Harry Whitley RIP:
Harry sadly passed away.
If you have more info please email us |
Kenny Dowden: Unknown - if you have info please email us |
Jackie Martin: Jackie
emigrated to the United States where we are told he started
a church. |
Victor Mawhinney:
Victor is still strummin’
strong and does Country music for Line Dancing, which he
says is very popular at the moment. |
Robert Magee: Robert emigrated to
London where he played with an R&B Group. He
met his German wife and returned to Belfast as a bus
conductor and played with the “Cascades “ Belfast. In 1972
he emigrated to Germany and has played in various bands
since then. |
Elizabeth "Paula"
Jamison: Married lead singer Joe Reid, we are told by
the band's manager, Alan Jones.
If you have more info please email us |
Joe Reid: Was playing
up until 2004 with Sammy McEwan. |
Leslie Brooks: Leslie
married Hilary Cardy and lives in Belfast.
If you have more info please email us |
Alan Aston:
Alan wrote us in 2019 telling us he
no longer plays the trombone but for a long time has been
as a tenor in concerts across Northern Ireland. He met his
second wife, Irene, while singing with The New Lyric Opera
Company (light operetta) and has sung with The Percy French
Players for some time. He recently sang on BBC
radio’s Sunday afternoon programme “The Gramaphone Club”
hosted and accompanied on piano by Duke Special.
Alan was a keen sailor for many years but of
late has progressed to a more sedentary form of pastime as a
Motorhome owner. |
Ivan Johnstone: Unknown - if you have info please email us |
Albert Craig: Unknown - if you have info please email us |
Sammy McEwan: Sammy
was playing in a band with Joe Reid up until 2004 when he
retired. Today we understand he is working in a butcher's
shop in Comber, Co. Down.If you have
more info please email us |
Peter Harris: Unknown - if you have info please email us |
Kit Carson: Unknown - if you have info please email us |