Orpheus Ballroom, Belfast, Co. Antrim
Opened in 1932, the art deco Orpheus
Ballroom on York street in Belfast was one of the premier ballrooms of the city
in the years before the showband era. Once the showbands took over it was one of
the top venues in the city. Located on
the top floor of the building, dancers flocked to hear the biggest bands of the
day. Jim Aiken took over running the Orpheus in the 1960's
but the dancing days would be cut short due to the "troubles" in the North. The
ballroom closed in 1970. In later years, the Orpheus
would become a department store through the 1980's. Eventually it was purchased
by the University of Ulster. In the early 2000's
a massive campaign was launched to save the building which was being demolished
by the University to make way for new
development. Despite their efforts, the ballroom fell to the wrecking ball in
